Bagua Blog

Emotions and Organs

July 5, 2021

Within normal limits, emotions cause no disease or weakness in the body. However, when emotions become so powerful that they become uncontrollable and overwhelming , then they can cause serious injury to the in



July 5, 2021

Injury to the tendon may result in the malfunction of the sheath. When sheath fails to make synovial fluid or not make enough fluid, inflammation or swelling may occur, also known as Tenosynovitis.

Reducing the negative impact of alcohol in your body

July 5, 2021

All alcoholic beverages move the energy, relax and make people better mood and less inhibited. But as in everything - in Chinese medicine too - we should aim for small amounts

Emotions and Organs

July 5, 2021

Within normal limits, emotions cause no disease or weakness in the body. However, when emotions become so powerful that they become uncontrollable and overwhelming , then they can cause serious injury to the in

Sleep - A brief analysis in TCM

July 5, 2021

When you keep waking up during sleep, might be associated with vivid dreams that cause your sleep not to be restful and deep, or because your Heart and or liver channels are not balanced, so you keep waking up

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Fridays and Sundays
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Seg a Sábado
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